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Shipping Info

We offer free shipping on orders over $50 in the United States.

A flat rate of $6.99 is on orders under $50.

Please allow up to 10 days for your order to be processed, created, packaged.

For International shipping please e-mail us:

Flate rate priority shipping $6.99


FREE shipping for orders over $75

Now offering free local pickup in Sycamore, Illinois

Allow up to 7-18 business days turnaround time + shipping time. The products at CHANLA CHAU COSMETICS are handmade from scratch in micro batches and take time to perfect, label and package. We make batches every week to ensure you get fresh product which is why it may take longer for your order to arrive.

Thank you for understanding! Please contact us for a rush order.

* Your order is carefully packaged with biodegradable packing peanuts made of cornstarch. Please dissolve them with running water.

Fun fact: All of our shipping materials are RECYCLABLE And most are made from recycled prOducts. We aim to be Eco-friendlY and try to use no plastic or one time use items.