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Custom Foundation + Pumpkin Peels at TROVE in Sycamore

I’m thrilled to announce a new and exciting service I am offering— custom foundation!

Let’s create the perfect foundation for you.

Step 1– color match

Step 2– adjust coverage

Step 3– add extra skincare benefits

Step 4– bottle up

This 30 minute appointment will go in depth on creating your custom foundation.

This foundation base is much cleaner than what you can find at stores. It’s mineral-based, vegan, fragrance-free and non-comedogenic.

It is infused with gentle and soothing ingredients— finally a foundation that helps the skin.

In addition to being a great foundation, we can add extra skincare benefits made up of plant botanicals. Do you want firming, hydrating, peptides, longwear? All the above? WE CAN DO IT.

Make your appointment with my at Pop-Up

Friday September 27th at Trove Salon in Sycamore, a beautiful salon oasis.

Appointments here:

Earlier Event: June 23
Glow & Greens